"Stuck is what happens when we stop listening to ourselves. Progress comes with clarity of purpose."
Let me help you find the door to your next level and we'll open it together.
- Brian Fish
Certified Strengths Finder Coach
20 Years as Business Owner
BSBA Finance - University of Arizona
Consulting vs Coaching
Imagine your car's dash is showing an engine light. You care enough about your car not dying and leaving you stranded on the side of the road in a thunderstorm so you decide to take it in. That's Consulting. You have a specific issue requiring specific attention. You take care of it and you're on your way. Now, let's say, you want to get on a maintenance program to prevent any dash lights from ever coming on, thus preserving the long lasting working order of your car. You check in on a regular basis and perform a little check list to ensure nothing gets missed and to address issues before they become problems. That's Coaching.
(Oh, and by your car I mean your business)
On this site, you'll find Consulting Packages and Coaching Options. If you are in need of some quick consultation to address something specific, it is my recommendation you consider a Consulting Package and then transition into a Coaching relationship.
So, is it Consulting or Coaching? Yes, and Both!
Consulting Packages
Jump-start with some clarity to set your business up for success
90 Day Plan
"Time to set the GPS"
90 Minute Discovery Call
Detailed 90 Day Game Plan
Do you have a clear idea of your destination but don't know how to get there? Or maybe you don't know what the first few steps should look like down that road? Or maybe you know 100 different things to do next but are having a difficult time prioritizing and it all just seems paralyzing? Perhaps you are easily distracted by the next great idea or the latest trend and it prevents you from making meaningful forward progress.
Do you just wish you could have a carefully laid out blueprint, a treasure map of sorts, to lead you to where you know you want to go?
Let's get clear, crystal clear, and let me help you create that blueprint for the next 90 Days.
Track to Triumph
"What we focus on we find"
90 Minute Discovery Call
Detailed Tracking Metrics Customized for You
Do you lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, feeling like you are losing grip of your business? Do you know deep down there are cracks in your business but can't identify them? Do you rely on your intuition, or gut, because it has always served you well but have no way of really verifying your decisions? Do you have a money goal in your head but no where else? Do you envy those "spreadsheet" business owners who are able to track everything and are seemingly always in control?
Nothing gives a business owner more calm than "knowing." The only thing worse than bad news is not knowing. Take the wheel and put a system in place to track your business. The power it will give you will set you free.
Let me set the Track to Triumph for your business.
The Money Game
"Making sense of the numbers"
90 Minute Discovery Call
Detailed Money Tracking Customized for You
"I'm good at what I do but I'm not good at the business part."
If this is you, let's put an end to that narrative once and for all and empower you to be the commanding business owner you are meant to be. Nothing will set the quickest path to peace of mind than grabbing a firm hold of your business finances.
The boldest step you can make is to face the dragon in the room head on. I guarantee this is the first step to slaying that dragon. And the real secret is the dragon can actually be your best friend in your business.
Let me help you take this journey of embracing your money game to set your business free.
Do you need that person in your corner?
These coaching sessions are regularly scheduled video calls, customized for you. We will discuss wins, actions, issues, concerns, and initiatives. We will follow a template but everything is fair game. Consider this the key accountability component to staying on track in your business.
About Me
Let's Grow!
At age 23 I was the youngest Golf Etc. franchise owner in the country. After spending 10 years in that business figuring it all out on the fly, I stepped up to the big leagues and joined my family's multi-location restaurant franchise business where we employed over 700 people across 10 locations.
Since then, I've built a successful network marketing business with my wife which still goes strong after 7 years.
I've most recently spent over 2 years in a leadership position with a leading real estate team while the business quadrupled in production and revenue. That was a fun ride!
In all of these businesses, I've learned how to lean on my strengths of ideation and strategic thinking to bring plans to life and get results. I would love to help you do the same.
I am passionate about my health and wellness and love to golf, ski, and Crossfit. I am most passionate about my family and providing an environment for my twin daughters Alida and Lucie to become the most authentic versions of themselves. My wife Heidi and I homeschool our daughters and strive to co-create a life of adventure and intentionality.
My Gift to You
Being a business owner can sometimes feel like a 24/7, all-consuming kind of life. That grind and commitment, to the sacrifice of everything else important in your life, can often lead to the dreaded burnout. I would love to share this free gift with you that has served me so well as a blueprint to a happier life. Send me an email by clicking the button below and I'll send you my exclusive PDF.